Alex Kiselyov


Marketing Directo

Tytuł wystąpienia: No-code website development. How can the marketing team do everything on their own without designers and developers?

1. Why did the marketing team refuse to make/update a website with an internal development team or an outsource company?
2. Our experience: how to make high-quality landings quickly?
3. Results: the number of conversions, production speed, SEO.


Alex is a Marketing Director at Ringostat – call tracking, telephony, and end-to-end analytics platform. Alex has held a head position in marketing for over seven years. His key areas of expertise are in-depth customer research, development of marketing strategy and positioning, and analytics. He is the author of the ratings of PPC advertising agencies and CRM integrators. Alex is the speaker of marketing conferences. And he built a marketing department with over 10 employees.